Hi Lou, my husband is suffering from Cipro poisoning and is having really bad anxiety, panic, agitation and very tense muscles including issues with swallowing at night and tremors too. Any luck with NAD+ or NR supplements as that can assist with DNA repair? My story is similar to most of you. This book is extremely important and is not meant to give a treatment plan for fluoroquinolone toxicity, it is clearly meant to point out the damage of the drugs such as cipro and levaquin and to bring awareness and promote change in how these drugs are prescribed. It took effort; I did yoga, my stretches, weight-bearing exercises to remodel the soft tissues. Bought it straight from an Urgent Care for 15 bucks and it came in a generic white bottle titled Ciprofloxacin. Bromelain has been studied a lot for its ability to enhance soft tissue healing, but it also has numerous other benefits such as improving sinusitis symptoms, treating diarrhea, speeding up recovery from surgery, blocking pro-inflammatory cytokines which cause tissue destruction, and can improve cardiovascular health. This really saddens and worries me. , Congratulations on your recovery! I was floxed a week ago today. I could also perhaps expand a bit more on this topic in the future as well. Happiness, sadness, fear, joy, excitement, hate, love, I mean even my feelings towards my children as fucked up as that is to even say! My ears felt full and were ringing. I quit the meds after googling my symptoms (immense brain fog, dizziness, and general malaise) six days into a ten day prescription. My name is Peggy. I know many natural techniques to control normal anxiety (breathing, side eye movement, tapping, etc) but the anxiety caused by the Levaquin was overwhelming to me. The recovering from this will never happen. If you have any questions about my recovery or the supplements I listed here, please let me know below in the comments. I wrote him an email telling him exactly what happened and asked him questions about why he prescribed me a such a potentially dangerous drug for a mild condition. However this time the whole left side of my body including the spine was out of balance and the osteopath said I must add stretching to straighten the spine from leaning leftward. While here, my hip joints have also taken a beating. . He is taking some of the same supplements that you are recommending, and we will add more of those supplement that you like for working on repairing Cipro induced damage to tendons, muscles, nerves, and even his heart. Long story short, Ive been taking a number of supplements that have helped, but havent tried detoxing with borax and am grateful for that suggestion. Reports stated the effects of the Azit, stayed in your system at least 15 days after the last dose. I found an interesting article about autoimmune diseases and its relationship with the gut. If you think you may have Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome or are living with ongoing symptoms similar to those caused by Cipro, Levaquin, or Avelox, or any other antibiotic please call Regenerative Medicine LA immediately or schedule a consultation online. Cipro cripples and kills people. Ill save myown personal story about Cipro and all the ways it affected me for a future article. We communicate every day. I am not scared of supplements but what has saved me so far is to listen carefully my body. I feel liquid move around in my head and I dont know if its allergies or what but I do need to supplement with some vitamins because I lack vitamin k, b2, and d3. One week of improvement and stability eating Dark Chocolate. The cellular changes produced by Cipro and Levaquin toxicity disturb energy production for years. Worth reading if you havent already. I figured antibiotics were essentially the same and took 500 mg twice a day as prescribed. No dairy, gluten sugars. We can see from your writings, that you really know what being floxed is all about!! Itll just prepare you to better deal with anxiety that comes along with being floxed. I personally believe that the FQs should only be given in a life or death scenario, yet they're still handed out all too lightly, despite new restrictions from both Europe and the FDA. What scares me is that now I understand that the collogen supplement is necessary because the mitochondria of the cells probably no longer can replicate themselves after the DNA was damaged, being an evolutionary remnant of the bacteria from which we descended! I continued the Levaquin for 5 more days and was in unbearable pain . But anyway, the D mannose worked very fast after I gave it to her. It is no coincidence that chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia is diagnosed in a 5:1 ratio of women compared to men. But these cells are replaced by stem cells in the body (younger people can recover better). After I recovered from Cipro-induced tendonitis, I never developed it again. However, if you have any doubt, then perhaps you should see one? amzn_assoc_design = "enhanced_links"; And that never happened before cipro. He wants to share that information with his colleagues in Brazil to see if there is something that can be done and for them to be more aware of the damage that these drugs may cause to some people. And also l-theanine (400 mg per day). Before I read this I was certain I would end up in a wheel chair or taking my own life. The other 10% of cases fall under Lyme disease, mold exposure, heavy metal toxicity, or breast implant illness. Essential fats help calm down inflammation, improve symptoms associated with anxiety, depression and can help support nerve health. Nowadays my skin generates melamine in hours, and I get tanned. One of my closest friends is a doctor. I had had Cipro on two previous occasions for the same . Sometimes I would mix the whey protein in with my morning oatmeal even! I am also following an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant diet which has been mostly my normal diet since the last 7 years when I switched to a vegan diet due a medical recommendation. What a mystery, but I am glad I found something that alleviates my suffering and is helping me to recover. I was fortunate that my doctor always listened to me and he learned from my experience. Even my nails went back to normal. It is not medical advice. I took between 300-400 mg of magnesium citrate (powder form). A cry that comes from deep in my heart and every cell of my body. There is one thing I forgot to mention that might be relevant. I hope youre feeling somewhat better since you left this message? One of the differences between my story and others is my proactive approach to recovery from day one. Ive read hundreds of stories and spoken to many people back on the old Yahoo Group as well as forums that used to exist (they seem to be down now.) He believes this is a sort of auto-immune disease. I highly recommend Dr Harry Barry (check out his Google talk and his channel on YT). I just feel like Im half ready to give up already. The acute Plantar Fasciitis in both feet is also gone. There is no miracle cure, youre right. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "crvimg-20"; Hey Eaubleu Thank you for sharing your experience. We share very similar views and knowledge about nutrition. The good news is that I felt even healthier later, a few years after Cipro, than I did before. If you have any significant tendon, ligament or muscle damage from Cipro, I recommend you take protein supplements. The Cipro has somehow turned off everything? Julie, Rats that are administered magnesium and vitamin E is able to diminish the damage from Cipro [5]. I far from recovered but Im no longer bed ridden, I am about 70% recovered. Sorry to use you as a therapist. I too suffered from severe insomnia after the very first dose of Cipro. Like Id see this commercials and theyd say this drug may cause suicidal thoughts or actions and Im over here like how the f?! I experienced the most anxiety Ive ever had in my life when I laid in bed reading about the potential for irreversible effects as I experienced nerve twitching, never pain, muscle pain, etc. I too had this tingling and burning sensations and they completely went away and never came back. He gave me a set of 5 exercises to do daily to strengthen the Achilles tendon and the foot which I learned under the supervision of a physical therapist . Regenerative Medicine LA. Now, my life has turned. Thats where the Ozone comes in. Generally we are told to avoid fluoride at all costs. I found myself tired at work which is not the norm. When I was floxed I started to take a supplement called Essential Mix by AOR. Joint aches, lightheadedness, brain fog and difficulty sleeping. CIPRO Toxicity. Hi, my name My mom is currently suffering from sever side effects from Cipro. I personally was devastated by Ciprohead to toe damage, including torn meniscus in both knees; visual problems; pericardial effusion; peripheral neuropathy; and lots more. I am on Plavix (Blood Thinner) Your Supplements I Cant Take. I went through heroin withdrawal, it wasnt fun but I did it with no withdrawal medication just fine. The inflammation in all my body disappeared in two hours and I was able to stand up without crutches as the pain in my heels was gone. amzn_assoc_asins = "B00VGS34A8"; Although we can get many of our phytonutrients from a healthy plant-based diet, the amount obtainable from diet alone can be too small to have a significant effect. Finally, you should never take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or steroids with Cipro or Levaquin because that increases your risk of central nervous system side effects and seizures. It seems I have lost some weight but so far am not underweight. A biofeedback test showed damage to my aorta and arteries around my brain, and thats when I realized it was the cipro, since now the fda has warned against aortic aneurysms. Vit D. Beet Root. My eyes felt dry and irritated. I started taking Cipro 500mg 2x. We even suspect now, that perhaps one of the causes of his VCD (Vocal Cord Dysfunction), also called LaryngoSpasm might have been Cipro induced damage to the Vagus nerve, which big nerve has laryngeal nerves (branches) that tell the vocal cords how to move (or if such nerves are damaged, erroneously tell the vocal cords to close up when they should stay open!). Somehow, I can intuitively tell what nutrients it needs to heal. However, I will have random pop-ups of tinglings. I had to press him to do something for the pain and inflammation so he prescribed a steroid. Then this morning I woke up like are you serious?!?! I asked about possible drug problem but it was not investigated. Currently suffering gastro issues, tendonitis or tendonopothy.. freaked out. I have been recovering ok but was excited about finding your info on healing. I can only pray that I can completely recover from this and that the damage is not permanent. Its like a storm that you just have to ride out while suporting your body Be easy on yourself though and dont get frustrated with setbacks. Developed watery diarrhea and could not eat. Did anyone on this forum take cipro levaquin or avelox around the time their neuropathy began. Bromelain is found mainly in pineapples. Hi i know this sounds dumb being i read the article but can you tell me exactly what supplements you used . There are quite a few clinical trials (mainly in women) comparing D mannose effectiveness against common antibiotics. I would not recommend doing both! Check out this article: https://www.crvitality.com/2018/03/how-to-use-d-mannose-for-a-uti/. My eyes were swollen and my face looked crooked. Its also causing depression too. I can handle the physical. There is zero doubt that this med caused this. The one thing that surprised me on your list though was green tea, which is very high in fluoride. Its something that I had prior to Cipro probably from playing in bands. Dr advised first dose evening of the 3rd and next dose in the morning. In animal studies, it does make then more susceptible to side effects. But I suppose I should look into sooner than later. I am trying to eat. Week three I thought it couldnt get worse. I have dizziness neck weakness head cant hold up , terrrible knee, eye issues, neevousness etc. For some people, the recovery process is just a few weeks (very mild reactions) while others with a moderate to severe reaction can take years. Slight numbness on the left nostril, headache above the left brow. For weeks I had to use crutches to go from my bed to the bathroom due the pain. Although recent studies have concluded that omega 3 may not benefit people with dry eyes (something people who are floxed may suffer from), I found that omega 3 completely eliminated symptoms of dry eyes when I took it after taking Cipro. Im also expecting a box of Borax (detoxifies your body from fluoride) I intend to take 1/8th of a teaspoon daily. Which eventually caused me to fall unconscious and when I did wake up my legs didnt work and I didnt know who I was and had amnesia, hence all the tests. Had some fatty non organic prime rib for New Years and its possible this meat was contaminated wit flouriquinalones. BIG MISTAKE. Fluoroquinolone toxicity. I have a long list of things that Im taking. A full mitochondrial regeneration program is one way to minimize the long-term effects of Cipro by using detox mechanisms with mitochondrial rebuilding. I took Ciprodex for an ear infection. I instantly got pretty much all the side effects, unfortunately memory and confusion were 2 of them and didnt realize what was happening until 13 pills into it. Sorry to hear about your experience. I take mag and other supplements, but will definitely be doing tumeric, green tea etc. Phone (General Inquiries): (855) 437-7836, Urinary tract infections including cystitis in women. So sorry that youre suffering from taking Cipro! Some days or week will be good some will be bad. On my end I can also tell you that I contacted the doctor in Brazil that prescribed me this antibiotic. My ability to swallow is a little better, I contribute that to the thrush getting better I stopped using nystatin and started alternating between baking soda and apple cidar vinegar. You can see some of the studies I posted about here https://www.crvitality.com/2018/03/how-to-use-d-mannose-for-a-uti/. WIth each cycle the symptoms were a little less intense. Now all of a sudden the man thinks I nuts. Im writing on a different Antibiotic (Azithromycin). Regarding your comments on magnesium, yes it is so important and even the late Dr Jay Cohen, who wrote a book on these toxic drugs theorized that damage might be lessened by actually taking magnesium 4 hours apart from the fluoroquinolone. And yes, its sad that I didnt do my own homework. I am trying the Bromeline now. Its not the same as on overdose. I do protein shakes with blueberries, I do a green shake of dandelion green, cucumber, celery, avocado, coconut water, cilantro. Congrats in the recovery. This is the magnesium supplement I recommend. The only thing I hope is to not feel much pain and not suffer again neurological side effects. There are many different phytonutrients that can have protective effects by increasing cell protection mechanisms, up-regulating DNA repair, reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines and immune system dysfunction, and protect against oxidative stress and cell death. Alpha lipoic acid with L-Carnitine together in one capsule is a must for neuropathy among many other reasons. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. I am back using crutches again. To have taken high doses of Cipro for 2.5 years will certainly have made some impact on your body. I posted on others, but they have since been shut down (including the Yahoo Group I was a member of). As for insomnia, it was hell for 4 months. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. You can use some of the supplements I mentioned above also, they might help. Everything. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; As soon as Amazon delivered the box I ate a whole bar. Organic Tamarind, Nascent Iodine, Boron Supplement, Magnesium L-Threonate, Vit D3 & K2, Alpha Lipoic Acid, NAC, Selenium, Grape Seed Extract. They make the throbbing pain stop, but still inflamed and hard to swallow and eat, jaw feels like its out of place and my bite is different. Day Just 6 days ago for a drug resistant UTI, Id already been on 3 other antibiotics and it wouldnt go away, so by the time the emergency room doctor gave it to me I didnt hesitate! I am extremely weak and lightheaded. Ciprofloxacin cytotoxicity can affect any connective tissue; tendons, joints, organs, brain/nervous system. Then week two was worse. This is the time it takes for your body to reduce the plasma levels by half. My whole family has been prescribed this (ZPAK) with no side effects at one time or another. You need to try to do this otherwise you can develop something called learned insomnia where you associate bedtime with not sleeping. I have followed for years a vegan diet and reading the stories of people that recovered from fluroquinones intoxication I could tell that nutrition is key, specially to stop the damage caused by the oxidative stress that this drug causes in the first months. And in your case, other connective tissue. Symptoms associated with being floxed can fluctuate a lot as you recover (it tends to go in cycles). And, oh the mental side effects were right out of a Stephen King novel. I was a healthy 23 year old woman. This is done by an in-depth functional medicine analysis, customized IV vitamin infusions, specific supplement protocols, correction of metabolic deficiencies for body optimization prior to administering cutting-edge cell therapy. This process can take months though. It will feel like Im making progress but then Ill have a bad week. I immediately called my doctor who was out sick 3 times and called the ER 3 times with nobody willing to talk to me or offer any advice ( too risky to help people over the phone lol) before a ER nurse told to just call 911 and go to the hospital because I must be having a stroke!! Was cured for about 2 years and it just came back. Such is the case with an important class of antibiotics . Wish you well in all things! All I wanted to know was how to reverse these side effects! Today, I have good days and bad days. They tested for MS, Lyme, epstein-barr, gullian barre, kidneys, liver function, blood count levels, they checked for different viruses and bacteriaes, i mean they literally searched for everything The only thing they could come up with was I small discrepancy in the white matter in my brain likely caused from a concussion I received a few weeks early. 99.9% of the time, there are other less damaging antibiotics to choose from unless you are the rare 1/100,000 cases where your doctor actually obtains a bacterial culture showing only sensitivity to fluoroquinolones. And while you wait for your body to heal itself, treatment is fairly intuitive: stop use of the fluoroquinolone and have your doctor switch you to another antibiotic; rest your tendons; use anti-inflammatory drugs for pain (being careful not to exceed daily limits); elevate your leg (if the pain is in your Achilles' tendon); and ice the affected At that point belatedly I read the insert warnings in particular to elderly women (I am 83) and realized it was more than tendonitis. I Got Floxed on 6/28/2022 I was Stupid for Taking I Should of Research Better. My mum, being skeptical of anything natural, took it over a year ago and her UTI symptoms were gone within hours. I have been reading more your blog and the post you wrote back in 2008 about the side effects you had with Cipro. Its you will to fight for your recovery what I admire the most and I share with you. I was in agony!!! A few years ago I was given Cipro for a sinus infection. Its hard to chew. Ill get back to you shortly with some responses. I too healed from serious illness, and your article brings to mind a saying my mother had, when there is a will, there is a way!. Make sure that youre eating well, dont eat too much sometimes be a little hungry but dont go for days without food. Keep in mind 4 months ago, I had a concussion, I was unconscious for 6 weeks and had neuropathy so bad for 4 more weeks I couldnt walk. The dangers of antibiotics can include antibiotic tendon rupture and more. My nails turned white full of scratches like arthritis type. Sleeping and keeping the anxiety under control is very important in this first stage to allow the body to recover in my opinion. Thanks for your article. Take care of yourself and please update me from time to time about your progress and also feel free to ask any questions! The doctor informed me that ciprofloxacin softens collagen. The link is the following: https://floxiehope.com/peggys-story-cipro-poisoning-and-recovery/. Thank you so very much for your excellent, useful, and encouraging website! And after each cycle of my symptoms reappearing (insomnia, nerve pain, tendon pain, etc) I would get much closer to fully recovering. Symptoms that lasted longer than a year. Theres no recovery from cipro. The second saddest thing about this all was that I didnt even need the medication. I documented my recovery for many months quite extensively. I feel like those last four weeks of suffering were just a bad dream. Am happy God has brought me to read how I will take care of my health from this point after reading your article, much appreactive as doctors wouldnt have been able to see me through this one. Magnesium, which I take in a combo with zinc and calcium. I am using a low dose of a benzodiazepine called Clonazepam. In a study from 2001, researchers looked at dogs that were magnesium deficient and dogs that were given ciprofloxacin and saw that in both cases there were significant biochemical alterations in tendons that would put people at risk of quinolone-induced tendon disorders [3]. Hi its been almost three days after taking Cipro hcl 500 mg tab for one week as I took 1 tablet 2 times daily. One month ago I was prescribed Levaquin due a UTI. No treatment was given for BD aNd heart rate that alone were a medical emergency. Magnesium is extremely important as magnesium is chelated out of your cells leading to muscle weakness and tightness. Ive stopped biking but Im still walking as much as possible and do physical therapy exercises. I learned that helping my body achieve homeostasis would be my goal. The most important thing to remember about Cipro and Levaquin (ciprofloxacin toxicity & levofloxacin toxicity) toxicity is that its effect is cumulative. I havent been able to find this supplement for years (I think its been discontinued) but it was formulated well. It takes approximately 70% of your mitochondria to be damaged in order for you to feel the symptoms. This poison has been like a sword that has crossed every single layer of me as a human being. I do not feel any pain and my mood is good and stable now. A higher incidence of ruptures or tears in the aorta has also been found with . I took 700 mg of AOR EGCG supplement at the time. Today Im walking like a 97-year old man to give my tendons a rest after a twenty-minute walk yesterday that may have put more strain on my tendons than they were ready for. Polyphenols and other nutrients promote healthy stem cells and their proliferation to promote healing. Just started back on my supplements. I too have taken all the supplements you suggest and still do. I couldnt stop my tears when I told him my experience. They also help improve the structure and strength of collagen. Just wanted to thankyou for sharing. I luckily stopped taking it after 5 doses, I started taking calcium because calcium blocks the absorption of Cipro, I took a multivitamin, D3, liquid magnesium, potassium and lots of water Im starting to feel better I think. The product line for Reflex Whey protein has since changed since 2007 2009, but there are many good options to choose from. One of the things I came across most in trying to help people recover is their reluctance to take supplements and fear of new side effects from taking them. Also, please leave a comment below sharing your experience and any supplements you feel have helped you. I joined the Yahoo Group that was up at the time and a few forums and there have been many awful stories and I too was extremely worried that I would never recover and be normal again. The True Story of Cipro. Vitamin B12 is crucial for proper nerve function and it can help repair damaged nerves. While many people were afraid to supplement and be proactive due to being worried about side effects or a flare-up of symptoms, I was absolutely 100% determined to recover. Adults500 to 750 milligrams (mg) 2 times a day, taken every 12 hours for 14 days. How are you doing now Anne, i am floxed with leviquin twice with in 2 months. Also, would be interested in your vegan diet basics. I was never given any black box warnings or information about the drug at all. Thank you for giving me hope that this wont be permanent damage. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "crvimg-20"; Since I was recovering from pelvic floor surgery an abscess was suspected so a CT was ordered. This is about the only thing that has giving me hope this past month! I am eating 60 to 80 grms of 95% cocoa chocolate per day.. Today I was able to walk to the pool of my condo and spend an hour swimming. So, what's the big deal? Its just the way the body deals with damage, trying to repair and then ultimately killing the cell to regenerate new. He said the collagen would be back to normal in about 5 6 days. All of these symptoms aside from a few harmless floaters (dont even notice them) went away. Ive also taken D mannose in the past (a long time ago) with success in treating a simple E coli bladder infection. Also, I went to my personal care physician, that Ive seen for years. Thanks. Ultimately, the mitochondrial damage leads to musculoskeletal and central nervous system destruction. BUT the problem being when I was younger I was an IV drug user, I literally do not have a single vein, like when I had my son two years ago they couldnt find a vein with the ultra sound machine even for the IV so to even get an IV for the contrast for an MRI that I dont even need (or to have blood tests done) I would have to get a picc line which wouldnt be very much fun. Since Cipro, I cannot digest anything with wheat, no beans, nothing with any amount of fiber in it and my digestion in general is awful. Reason #1 - It Works Everything inside the protocol is based on research, lab reports, and testing of real people who actually DID get better It's proven and it works! Since March 2021 Ive lived with neuropathy, (no pain), just numbness, and off-balance. We see the delayed effects in other kinds of treatments too, such as chemo. Be careful about what meds you take in the future as some can make it worse, I personally dont believe that the side effects are as rare as they make out to be either. Hence, the 6 month update. Im going to go add the cocoa tomorrow! Many individuals have been exposed to fluoridated drugs like Prozac, Lipitor, Diflucan, Protonix, in the past which cause fluoride accumulation in the body. But be careful and take it as slow as you need. Ill not describe my emotional suffering that caused me seeing me in that shape and how scared I was. My current diet has plenty of calcium in green leaves as spinach and nuts that I prepare in smoothies. Cipro kills slowly the mitochondria in your cells creating all kind of ailments in your body.You will suffer from bone and articulations pains, stomach ulcers or constipation, imsomnia, stress, unexplained weight loss, your mobility will be reduce greatly, and people will wonder what happened to you, why you are moving like a 90 year old sick person . I only took 1A /1T a day, 24 hours apart. So there is hope, but you gotta try to keep calm, do what you can to support your body and mind in healing, and let time go by until your body repairs. Im happy for you you that youve recovered and am grateful for the hope and advice youve given your readers and me. Plasma levels by half on 6/28/2022 I was recovering from pelvic floor surgery an was! 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